Weekly Flyers

Metro Flyer 17 July 2016

Metro Flyer 17 July 2016 contains healthy deals for fair prices. Lets check all these pages of Metro Flyer and decide your needs. If are trying to reach your ideal body shape goal, seafoods are pretty good option for you. Try these miracles of our ocean and feel better. Also you can prepare a salad with these seafoods, read some recipes from internet and have it your way ! 

Put Pinty’s on your home plate and enjoy your meals always.

Metro Flyer 17 July 2016 provides delicious bakeries for greatest celebrate events. Sweet lemon treats available in store now. You can buy just for snacking too. If you like lemon, this week is yours !

These products are made in store which means they are always fresh and delicious. Lets rediscover bakeries and buy everyday of this wek.

Caribbean festival products are perfect for you. Lets choose your favorite one for good price.